Topics in Parenting Agreements

Most mediated Parenting Agreements address at least three topics: decision making, the parenting schedule, and child support. The first, whether one parent will make most of the decisions alone or the two parents will confer with each other when making major decisions about the children’s care and upbringing, is sometimes labeled in court as legal custody.

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Child Support

A divorced dad once told me how he thought about child support. “My ex-wife committed the crime of taking my child away from me, and now I have to pay her for it.” I get it. That is how it feels to a non-custodial parent who never wanted the spouse and child to stop living

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Independence Day?

I know a lot of people who thought their divorce hearing date would be Independence Day.  Some were wrong. Some were right. They were at last free to go their separate ways, with assets and debts disentangled and divided. Actually, they could have been free in that respect months earlier if they had worked with

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Monthly Budgets

Child Support: This list can be a planning tool for separated or divorced parents to use to help figure out how much money needs to be transferred from one parent to the other so that the children will be well provided for in both homes.  . Spousal Support: The list can also be used to figure out how much

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Heroic Parents vs. Custody Battles

Heroic Dads That stereotype about African American men leaving single moms with all the work and little child support is contradicted by a number of dads I have worked with. They have been fighting to be allowed to be full-fledged parents, keeping their babies half of each week, supervising older kids’ homework, taking care of

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