Marriage Mediation
Making Your Marriage Happier and Healthier
When does marriage mediation make sense?

All of those are situations in which a family mediator can help. Many couples live with enduring patterns of behavior that make one or both parties unhappy. When you have a problem like that, you have three choices:
The first two options lead to ongoing frustration and dissatisfaction in the relationship. Often the negative feelings you are trying to suppress sneak out in ugly, destructive ways. Or you keep them bottled up until one day they explode.
Clearly, the third option is preferable. Happily, facing issues and having constructive, problem-solving conversations about them is something that most couples can learn to do. People can learn to handle crucial conversations constructively on their own. This is not about digging into your childhood to explore why you feel the way you do. It is not psychotherapy. It is looking at what matters to each of you and why and how you might each change your behavior so that both of you will have a happier, healthier relationship. You can rewrite some of the rules of your marriage.
Many couples find that some topics are very difficult to discuss without an impartial, supportive professional in the room. While you are still learning to handle crucial conversations, a mediator can help you discuss the things that are hard to talk about and help you figure out what will improve your marriage or, if it’s in trouble, save your marriage.
Schedule a free consultation today to discuss how Colin Family Mediation Group can help your family find lasting solutions.